Schermafbeelding 2023-12-17 om 16.03.04

Thanks for 2023 !

17 december 2023

Then our restaurant is closed for this year. We would like to thank everyone who has visited our restaurant in the last few months from the bottom of our hearts for their visit! It has been a great season, even though we didn't get started until the end of July.
The reactions have been extremely positive and everyone liked both the atmosphere and the meals.
We received special thanks for our French weekend and also for the German Christmas table. The latter was a surprise for many, but without exception everyone liked it and as many remarked: 'it's something different'. Some actually thought it was better than the traditional Norwegian Christmas table.

Thanks again and welcome back in March!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!!!

Greetings, Paul and Gerd Norunn

Zanzi Bar & Restaurant